
Illustrated by Samantha Fulton.
Illustrated by Samantha Fulton. 

The desire to bow, 
to worship, 
to prostrate oneself before an authority

An instrumental desire 
as the indomitable will for freedom.

Flags of old haunt the world.
Falling ashes of a bygone era still 
flutter in the wind Whispering the glory

abstruse light of the enlightenment shines as bright
As light of the absent god we perceive

At the pit of life, we call joy
We all weep for a future never to pass.

Flesh is but a confine. 
The Dance of organs until the curtain calls.

Glorious songs to a day of serfdom.
Uncertainty of our blood. The Certainty of the end.
So, Dance fellow mankind. Until the clock runs out of sands to count.
Into the maw of the stars onto the fruit we had not been.
For what is human but a question.

Justin Kim

Justin Kim writes pompous poetry that often resides in the realm of praising humanity, although he considers most degenerates. Justin is famous for writing … something in the future which, for sure, will end up being a posthumous bestseller. He enjoys reading boring German philosophers instead of studying law as he should, and cooks food in interludes. If at this point you’re scoffing at the pompous nature of it all, he is anaspeptic phrasmotic, even compunctious, to have caused you such pericombobulation. And if you got to the end, may I offer my enthusiastic contrafibularities for reading such dull nonsense.


The Poet at his Desk, Framed

