
I throw a rock into the sea  

Remembering you

The sea that swept up the rock 

Ruptures in waves

The blue blood of the memories. 

The sea screams in waves

As the words of the waves are heard by the island 

And the silence of the island is heard by the waves

Only the moment remains 

Never repeated never continued

If only you stood here with me to overcome the waves. 

Tempted to stand, a promise of a hollow vestige

I stand to be swept in memories, taunted by the silence.

Only then shall the sea be patched. 

Reminding none remembered by less.

Justin Kim

Justin Kim writes pompous poetry that often resides in the realm of praising humanity, although he considers most degenerates. Justin is famous for writing … something in the future which, for sure, will end up being a posthumous bestseller. He enjoys reading boring German philosophers instead of studying law as he should, and cooks food in interludes. If at this point you’re scoffing at the pompous nature of it all, he is anaspeptic phrasmotic, even compunctious, to have caused you such pericombobulation. And if you got to the end, may I offer my enthusiastic contrafibularities for reading such dull nonsense.


a reflection on deciduous teeth