
been a while since i’ve seen you, Peach

hope you’re doing ok

you smile wide like a crescent moon

your hair is the straw the little man spun into gold

i am trying to describe the way you gently shimmer

if you don’t mind me saying

i look up at you and think you’re glorious, statuesque, soft

i’d like to breathe you in

and sip you like fine wine: slowly.

i would put pink carnations in your curls

if you’d let me 

put rose petals on your cheeks

jasmine in your upturned hands

and lavender on your lips

i’d stroll about the garden 

till it sang.

Isabelle Bull

Isabelle a third year English student from St. Mary's, specialising in Medieval literature much to her parents dismay. In her spare time she enjoys theatre, drinking too much coffee and going to Tesco in her nicest outfits that were meant for Osbournes. Her poetry instagram account is @shesthenakedi.


Liturgy of nowhere here

