An Omelette Recipe

It hurts more than you 

Know. So much, this molten

Life, gold-curdled, thick

Like blood and glossy: precious.

Who are you to break my 

Unassumed and unassuming shield – 

Now brownly cracked.

 I am bare, bared, barren:

A small sun upended, and

The fork is very cold.

You may add salt and pepper to taste,

Spring onions as desired.

You can listen to a recorded version of this poem at: Purple Radio Spotify

Illustrated by Amy Nugent

Esme Bell

Esme Bell is a second-year English Lit student from St Cuth’s who enjoys any form of writing; you can find more of her work in The Bubble, The Palatinate and The Gentian Journal.


Waning Tether


History of a Petal