Waning Tether

Walking into winds,

Former leaves whistle and mock

The once whole acorn,

A widow’s greeting concealed;

Roots curling deeper,

With inertial nostalgia,

Mercurial battles,

The tired mettle wrought nothing

Catching able winds, leaves part;

Anchored yews adorn

Spent boreal down feathers,

On knotted branches

Hang pulled Ariadnean threads

Which wind clocks of memory;

Before my ashes

Scatter in aged footprints,

I scatter myself

In the quiet words, and looks

You can find a recorded version of this poem at: Purple Radio Spotify

Illustrated by Talia Jacobs

Jude King

Jude is a 4th year maths student from St. Mary’s college. His poetry mostly looks to use exaggerated language and mythological and natural imagery to give louder voice to quieter feelings in the human experience. His love of poetry first started with works by Basho and Zen poets.


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